It’s not unusual for the clatter of chaos to take centerstage. I can’t think of a recent conversation without mention of this global health crisis… so much so, it seems to have completely stolen the show! It’s no doubt challenging and uncertain. But without diminishing the difficulties many are facing, I’d like to offer some alternative perspective.
Yes, today’s crisis may be unique, but the overall experience isn’t. Not knowing what’s ahead and around the bend is a reality we face as humans. The things that we don’t know, and can’t control, will always out-weigh the things that we do. That’s what makes courage so important! But what can we do when the future is unclear or even seems ominous?
Having courage doesn’t mean you won’t FEEL fear, it simply means you REFUSE to be overcome by it.
It may be counter-intuitive, but I personally think that looking back over your shoulder when you’re unsure, is a powerful way to prepare for progress. Reflect back on the storms that you thought were deadly at the time they hit you… the ones that you managed to survive despite severe conditions and even tragic damages. Remember all that you learned, how you grew stronger, the character you developed, and the blessings that came from all the things you that you DID NOT FORESEE.
They say hindsight is 20/20, and it’s true we see more clearly once delivered from our trials. For me, it has without question been the company of Jesus Christ that has faithfully seen me through every fire. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Not always quickly, nor without pain, or challenge, or mistakes, but ALWAYS to freedom, always stronger, and always wiser. My takeaway has been this: If we’re humble enough to change when needed, and willing to learn as we go, we can be confident that each new challenge, no matter how daunting, holds the promise of an unforeseeably BETTER future.
Having courage doesn’t mean you won’t feel fear, it simply means you refuse to be overcome by it. Allow trial to strengthen you, and keep your fears underfoot!! You are designed to adapt and to conquer… it’s what distinguishes us as a people! Just as a parent eagerly anticipates their child’s first steps, so God is certain that you will rise above even the toughest circumstances! The one who created you has more for you— more to see, more to do, more to become, and more to have. It’s up to YOU not to bow to fear, but rather to remain formidably faithful in the face of your circumstance. ▫️
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