Hello! My name is Darcy, and this is my DISH. I could attempt to describe myself in the following text, but we ALL are so much more than words on a page! You’ll best get to know me through the stories I post and the thoughts I share, but regardless, let me just say, “Welcome!”. I’m honored you’re here, and I’ll introduce myself in summary:
I am an inspirationalist dreamer, passionate about navigating life through health & healing in all ways spiritual, mental, physical, and relational. (I also just invented the word “inspirationalist”, according to the spell-checker I’m choosing to ignore! LOL)
And although I think they’re less important, here are some facts: I’m a born and raised Washingtonian, unapologetic hometown girl, and wife of over 15yrs to my high school sweetheart. I’m also a daughter, sister, coach, and friend. I’m a writing school graduate and long-time state-registered care giver & former therapist for individuals affected by autism. I’m dedicated to sport– competitive cheerleading and track athlete, turned marathon runner, turned pro bodybuilder. I’m a food and fitness enthusiast, training studio owner, and NASM corrective exercise and weight-loss specialist.
But what I’m most proud of and grateful for is being human– fighting to grow, to overcome adversity, and to heal stronger by seeking Truth and sharing testimony. I believe scars, struggles, laughter and discovery are necessary ingredients in the recipe for a life well-lived. Darcy’s DISH is the way I’m choosing to serve-up my story, and I invite you to pull up a chair and share in the flavor…