I have to confess to a certain laziness when it comes to salad… I absolutely LOVE eating it, but the prep effort sometimes isn’t worth it to me. That is NOT the case where THIS salad is concerned!! I came up with this recipe last week, and have eaten it EVERYDAY since!! (I even made a trip to the grocery store to ensure I wouldn’t run out of the ingredients!!). I figure if this blend was tasty enough to trump my sub-par salad-prep enthusiasm… perhaps it could do the same for those who share my struggle! Read on if you’d like to get the “how-to” details…
20 minutes
? 50/50 blend organic greens, VERY finely chopped
1/2 cup chopped sprouts of choice (I use clover)
1/4 cup finely chopped mushrooms
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
1/4 cup finely chopped cucumber
1 mashed avocado
1 tsp minced garlic
.5 Tbsp pure lime juice
**Important!** 1/2 Tbsp Rosemary Olive Oil
(I buy Spectrum Organic brand from Fred Meyer)Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt to taste
- Chop all salad ingredients (including lettuce) until bite-size/fine. This will help you mix in the dressing consistently as well as create a nice consistency/texture for every bite! Combine into a large bowl and set aside.
- In a separate bowl, mash up avocado and mix in remaining dressing ingredients, whipping it up until you reach a smooth, guacamole-like paste.
- Incorporate the dressing into the salad, tossing and mixing thoroughly until fixings are evenly covered.
- Sit back and ENJOY the mouth-watering satisfaction of a healthy, well-earned serving of DELICIOUS!! ??.
(At least, that’s my opinion! I’d love to hear yours ????)
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